Dr. Mufti Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Mujaddidi Qadri

Shaykh Ul Fiqh, Jamia Nizamia; Founder - Director

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Mufti Maulana Syed Zia Uddin Naqshbandi Quadri

Shaik-ul-Fiqh - Jamia Nizamia

Abul Hasanaat Islamic Research Center

Zakaat - Rules and modern issues

Mufti Hafidh Syed Ziauddin Naqshbandi Qadri,
Professor, Islamic Law, Jamia Nizamia.
Giving Zakaat in advance

Giving Zakaat in advance


Zakaat is a form of worship which becomes obligatory every year.  When the year passes, it becomes compulsory.  It isn’t compulsory before the passing of the year.  Still, in giving Zakaat, there is an allowance that Zakaat of 1 year or even of many years can be given in advance.  As mentioned in this Hadith of Sunan Abu Dawood:


Translation: It is narrated on the authority of Hadhrat ‘Ali (May Allah be well pleased with him) that Hadhrat ‘Abbas (May Allah be well pleased with him) asked the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) about giving his Zakaat in advance and the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) permitted it.  (Sunan Abu Dawood, Hadith No. 1626)


This is clarified with the following Hadith of Jame’ Tirmidhi:


Translation: It is narrated on the authority of Hadhrat ‘Ali (May Allah be well pleased with him) that the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) told Hadhrat ‘Umar (May Allah be well pleased with him):  We have taken Hadhrat ‘Abbas’ (May Allah be well pleased with him) Zakaat of the next year this year itself.  (Jame’ Tirmidhi, Hadith No. 681)


While giving Zakaat in advance it is necessary to check whether there is any extra amount at the end of the year.  If there is, then the Zakaat of that extra amount has to be given as well.